To color match and render in marker 3 different material swatches and render three different examples of modern seating from reference material.
Choose 3 pieces of furniture from handouts. Visit the library's Material Swatch room and find 3 swatches appropriate to your furniture.
Draw your furniture and swatch in appropriate scale on graph paper first in pencil. Once you are happy with the composition, go over pencil in fine-point marker, erase pencil, then color match swatch and color in the frontal elevation with appropriately scaled down swatch.
For example, if your chair is 3 feet tall, you should render it in 1"=1' scale so it is large enough.
If you are drawing a 8 foot couch however, rendering in 1/2 scale will be more appropriate so you have room in your layout to include both a side elevation, front elevation and a swatch of your material.
You must turn in 3 drawings. On each page illustrate one front and one side elevation view per piece of furniture including fabric swatch and "upholstered" view.
Provide a photo copy of your material, furniture and attach to each drawing.
Please study the sample image for layout. Create a professional, attractive and balanced composition. Consider your layout carefully. The entire paper is part of your project.
Project Points: 100
Project Due: 2/03