Monday, July 20, 2009

Line weight, variation and contour

Line is the most elemental component of design. It is the simplest form of expression.

Line describes the distance between 2 points. Lines form shape, positive and negative space.

there are many different types of lines. Lines can expression character and emotion.

It is important to use a variety of lines in your drawings to communicate a full range of ideas.

Line weight can communicate texture, perspective, emotion, movement, character and emphasis.

Contour lines describe the shape of things and the shifts in plane, texture or value of that thing.

Imagine a topographic map, with it's contour lines describing mountains and valleys. So do contour drawings.

We will do many contour drawings in this class to improve not only our drawing ability

but more importantly our observational skills. that is the key to accurate and engaging drawing and sketching.

We will begin today with a short exercise called automatic drawing.

Here's an example by Surrealist artist Jean Arp.

Some say automatic drawing is like yoga for the artist and designer.

Do not think, just draw.

There are many different kinds of drawing styles.
We will look at a range of sketches through the quarter.
Make many drawings on your own, in class, and by the end of the quarter there will
be obvious improvement in the accuracy of your renderings and you will
begin to develop your own unique style.
