Instructor’s Name: Sasha Petrenko
Course Description: An introductory course in which students learn how to execute loose, quick, freehand sketches beginning with observed, existing spaces, simple elevations and plan views with perspective and advance invented visuals, illustrating solutions to various design and visual merchandising problems. Emphasis is placed on speed, confidence, clear communication, use of notation, credible scale, and research. In class and homework assignments consist of many small sketches as students communicate and use appropriate methodology to develop and express ideas.
Student Learning Outcomes:
1. Develop skills in use of various sketching tools.
2. Use floor plans and elevations as visual language describing actual space.
3. Develop awareness of importance of scale of pictorial elements.
4. Develop skills in use of visual reference as a resource in solving various drawing problems.
5. Use notations and call-outs when appropriate.
Method of Instruction:
Demonstrations, lecture, field trips, group critique, self evaluations, class projects, written assignments, concept and final sketches.
Assignments are due at the beginning of class; no late work will be accepted without prior arrangement
with instructor. Any project that is turned in and complete may be resubmitted for grading. If you know
you will not be in class ahead of time, arrangements may be made to turn in projects or take exams during instructor office hour.
At the end of class you are expected to clean your workspace before leaving.
All projects must be labeled with the students name, date, class and assignment typed or printed by computer on a separate sheet of white paper and mounted to the back of the presentation.
Projects will be graded on the following criteria: Ability to adhere to project requirements, development of sketching and marker rendering skills, creative solutions to design problems, and professional presentation.
Evaluation of Student Learning:
Project #1 color swatches, perspective shading study: 100
Project #2 Class room elevation & plan: 100
Project #3 furniture and fabric swatches: 100
Project #4 home plan and elevation: 100
Project #5 Field and figure study: 150
Project #6 Interior Reference drawings: 150
Historically based design project: 250
Final: 50
Total Possible Points 1,000
Class 1
Objective: Become familiar with markers, color, shading technique. 1 and 2 point perspective.
Demo/Lecture: Applying marker for uniformity, shading, blending. 1 and 2 point perspective.
Activity: Make marker & colored pencil color charts. Explore shading techniques in charcoal.
(spheres and cubes) Begin 1-point perspective study with shading.
Homework: Complete color charts and cube drawings.
Class 2
Objective: Introduction to drawing to scale.
Demo/Lecture: Drawing to scale. Measuring accurately to design to scale.
Activity: Critique, measure the class room, drawing to scale. Marker rendering for perspective.
Homework: Classroom floor plan and elevation.
Class 3
Objective: Using reference material to activate the design process.
Introduction to marker technique to communicate texture.
Activity: Critique, Visit Library swatch room. Marker demonstration.
Demo/Lecture: Marker technique. Artists, designers discuss their influences, design process.
Homework: Swatch, furniture studies. 3 pieces furniture (seating) upholstered in new swatches.
Class 4
Objective: Introduction to 2 point perspective.
Demo/Lecture: 2-point perspective. Gesture drawing. Contemporary drawing in design.
Activity: Critique. Introduction to gesture drawing. 2 point perspective in-class exercise.
Homework: Before & After home plan and elevations (2) drawings using resource material.
Class 5
Objective: Develop skills in rendering people, architectural elements, with overview of basic strategies for visual merchandising.
Demo/Lecture: Gesture drawing, field sketching, composition and point of view.
Activity: Critique. Field trip to sketch architectural details and people.
Homework: Field study line drawings (3).
Class 6
Objective: Introduce FInal Design Project.
Activity: Critique. Drawing from reference material, determining a unit of measure. Colorize Field Study drawings.
Demo/Lecture: Continue discussion of visual merchandising strategies, exterior and interior design for effective merchandising.
Homework: Interior reference line drawings. 1 elevation one plan view plus details page (4 details min.) Finish Field study.
Class 7
Objective: Research final project. Develop 3 concepts for final project.
Activity: Critique. Library research. Complete interior reference drawings in color.
Demo/Lecture: Presentation skills. Essay requirements. Call outs and Neatness Counts!
Homework: Draft 2-3 concepts for final project including reference material, color charts.
Class 8
Objective: Determine final concepts.
Activity: Mini-critique to evaluate concepts.
Lecture/Demo: PDF Presentations! Quick and easy and professional.
Homework: Work on final concept. Draft versions floor plan, elevations (exterior and interior),
details page plus resource-collage.
Class 9
Objective: Final projects complete and turned in at end of class.
Activity: Review for final. Complete final projects.
Lecture/Demo: Review for final. Studio day.
Homework: Prepare for final. Complete Art Deco essays and visual and oral presentations.
Class 10
Final quiz and presentations.